Dr Molnár continues to publish in scientific journals, and the list is updated accordingly. If a paper is published open access, the entire article can be accessed using the provided link for free.
Articles in English
1. Répássy GD, Molnár A, Maihoub S, Hargas D, Tamás L. Survival analysis of laryngeal squamous cell cancer, considering different treatment modalities and other factors influencing survival – a monocentric retrospective investigation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2025 Feb 17. doi: 10.1007/s00405-025-09229-8.
2. Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Molnár V, Molnár A. Tinnitus and Its Comorbidities: A Comprehensive Analysis of Their Relationships. J Clin Med. 2025;14:1285. doi: 10.3390/jcm1404185.
3. Mavrogeni P, Molnár A, Molnár V, Tamás L, Maihoub S. Correlation Between the Pitch and Loudness of Tinnitus, Hearing Levels, and Tinnitus Handicap Inventory Scores in Patients with Chronic Subjective Tinnitus. J Clin Med. 2024;13:7261. doi: 10.3390/jcm13237261.
4. Felix, Busch; Lena, Hoffmann; Daniel, Truhn; Esteban, Ortiz Prado; Marcus, R. Makowski; Keno, Bressem; Lisa, Adams; Nitamar, Abdala; Álvaro, Aceña Navarro; Hugo, Aerts; Catarina, Águas; Martina, Aineseder; Muaed, Alomar; Salita, Angkurawaranon; Zachary, G. Angus; Eirini, Asouchidou; Sameer, Bakhshi; Panagiotis, D. Bamidis; Paula, N. V. P. Barbosa; Nuru, Bayramov; Antonios, Billis; Almir, G. V. Bitencourt; Antonio, J Bollas Becerra; Fabrice, Busomoke; Andreia, Capela; Riccardo, Cau; Warren, Clements; Alexandru, Corlateanu; Renato, Cuocolo; Nguyễn, N. Cương; Zenewton, Gama; Paulo, J. de Medeiros; Guillermo, de Velasco; Vijay, B. Desai; Ajaya, Kumar Dhakal; Virginia, Dignum; Izabela, Domitrz; Carlos, Ferrarotti; Katarzyna, Fułek; Shuvadeep, Ganguly; Ignacio, García-Juárez; Cvetanka, Gjerakaroska Savevska; Marija, Gjerakaroska Radovikj; Natalia, Gorelik; Valérie, Gorelik; Luis, Gorospe; Ian, Griffin; Andrzej, Grzybowski; Alessa, Hering; Michihiro, Hide; Bruno, Hochhegger; Jochen, Hofstaetter; Mehriban, Huseynova; Oana-Simina, Laconi; Pedro, Iturralde Torres; Nevena, G. Ivanova; Juan, S. Izquierdo-Condoy; Aidan, B. Jackson; Ashish, K. Jha; Nisha, Jha; Lili, Jiang; Rawen, Kader; Padma, Kaul; Gürsan, Kaya; Katarzyna, Kepczynska; Israel, K. Kolawole; George, Kolostoumpis; Abraham, Koshy; Nicholas, Kruger; Alexander, Loeser; Marko, Lucijanic; Stefani, Maihoub; Sonyia, McFadden; Maria, CMendez Avila; Matúš, Mihalčin; Masahiro, Miyake; Roberto, Mogami; András, Molnár ; Wipawee, Morakote; Issa, Ngabonziza; Trung, Q. Ngo; Thanh, T. Nguyen; Marc, Nortje; Subish, Palaian; Rui, Almeida; Barbara, Perić; Gašper, Pilko; Monserrat, LPuntunet Bates; Mitayani, Purwoko; Clare, Rainey; João, C. Ribeiro; Gastón, A Rodríguez-Granillo; Nicolás, Rozo Agudelo; Luca, Saba; Shine, Sadasivan; Keina, Sado; Julia, M. Saidman; Pedro, J. Saturno-Hernandez; Gilbert, Schwarz; Sergio, M. Solís-Barquero; Javier, Soto Pérez-Olivares; Petros, Sountoulides; Arnaldo, Stanzione; Nikoleta, G. Tabakova; Konagi, Takeda; Satoru, Tanioka; Hans, O. Thulesius; Liz, Toapanta-Yanchapaxi; Minh, H. Truong; Murat, Tuncel; Elon, H C van Dijk; Peter, van Wijngaarden; Lina, Xu; Tomasz, Zatoński; Longjiang, Zhang. lobal cross-sectional student survey on AI in medical, dental, and veterinary education and practice at 192 faculties. BMC Med Educ. 2024 Sep 28;24:1066. doi: 10.1186/s12909-024-06035-4.
5. Répássy GD, Hargas D, Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L. Influencing Factors of Survival in Hypopharyngeal Squamous Cell Cancer. J Clin Med. 2024;13:3853. doi: 10.3390/jcm13133853.
6. Dékány L, Molnár V, Molnár A, Bikov A, Lázár Z, Bárdos-Csenteri O, Benedek P. Analysis of possible risk factors for the severity of paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2023;280:5607-5614. doi: 10.1007/s00405-023-08237-w.
7. Molnár V, Molnár A, Lakner Z, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Jokkel Z, Kunos L, Tamás L. The prognostic role of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging in obstructive sleep apnoea based on lateral oropharyngeal wall obstruction. Sleep Breath. 2023;27:319-328. doi: 10.1007/s11325-022-02597-z.
8. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Krasznai M, Tamás L, Kraxner H. The Correlation between the Results of the Sniffin’ Sticks Test, Demographic Data, and Questionnaire of Olfactory Disorders in a Hungarian Population after a SARS-CoV-2 Infection. J Clin Med. 2023;12:1041. doi: 10.3390/jcm12031041.
9. Molnár A, Mavrogeni P, Tamás L, Maihoub S. Correlation Between Tinnitus Handicap and Depression and Anxiety Scores. Ear Nose Throat J. 2022:1455613221139211. doi: 10.1177/01455613221139211.
10. Molnár V, Lakner Z, Molnár A, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Kunos L, Jokkel Z, Tamás L. The Predictive Role of the Upper-Airway Adipose Tissue in the Pathogenesis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Life (Basel). 2022;12:1543. doi: 10.3390/life12101543.
11. Molnár V, Lakner Z, Molnár A, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Kunos L, Tamás L. The Predictive Role of Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue in the Pathogenesis of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Life. 2022;12:1504. doi: 10.3390/life12101504.
12. Molnár A, Jassoy BD, Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Long-term follow-up of patients with vestibular neuritis by caloric testing and directional preponderance calculation. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2023;280:1695-1701. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07660-9.
13. Molnár V, Lakner Z, Molnár A, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Kunos L, Jokkel Z, Tamás L. Ultrasound and Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Tongue in Obstructive Sleep Apnoea. Appl Sci. 2022;12:9583. doi: 10.3390/ app12199583.
14. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparison between caloric and video-head impulse tests in Ménière’s disease and vestibular neuritis. Int J Audiol. 2022:1-7. doi: 10.1080/14992027.2022.2059711.
15. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Depression scores and quality of life of vertiginous patients, suffering from different vestibular disorders. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2022;279:5173-5179. doi: 10.1007/s00405-022-07366-y.
16. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. A possible objective test to detect benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. The role of the caloric and video-head impulse tests in the diagnosis. J Otol. 2022;17:46-49. doi: 10.1016/j.joto.2021.11.001.
17. Molnár V, Molnár A, Lakner Z, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Jokkel Z, Szabó H, Dienes A, Angyal E, Németh F, Kunos L, Tamás L. Examination of the diaphragm in obstructive sleep apnea using ultrasound imaging. Sleep Breath. 2022;26:1333-1339. 3. doi: 10.1007/s11325-021-02472-3.
18. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Ipsilateral vestibulopathy after herpes zoster infection. Otolaryngology Case Reports. 2021;21:100335. doi: 10.1016/j.xocr.2021.100335.
19. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. The diagnosis of central vestibular disorders based on the complementary examination of the vestibulospinal reflex. J Otol. 2022;17:1-4. doi: 10.1016/j.joto.2021.07.001.
20. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Effectiveness of intratympanic dexamethasone for the treatment of vertigo attacks in patients with Ménière’s disease compared with betahistine pharmacotherapy. J Int Med Res. 2021;49:300060520985647. doi: 10.1177/0300060520985647.
21. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic Steroid Therapy for Advanced Ménière’s Disease: Are There Effects on the Vestibular System? Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. 2021;15:MC01-MC04. doi: 10.7860/JCDR/2021/45056.14434.
22. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparative Study Between the Auditory and Vestibular Functions in Ménière’s Disease. Ear Nose Throat J. 2020:145561320969448. doi: 10.1177/0145561320969448.
23. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. The author’s reply regarding “Intratympanic gentamycine for Ménière’s disease: is there a selective vestibulotoxic effect?” Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-06072-x.
24. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic gentamycine for Ménière’s disease: is there a selective vestibulotoxic effect? Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol. 2020; 277:1949-1954. doi: 10.1007/s00405-020-05901-3.
25. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Conservative Treatment Possibilities of Ménière Disease, Involving Vertigo Diaries. Ear Nose Throat J. 2021;100:536-542. doi: 10.1177/0145561319881838.
26. Molnár A, Maihoub S, László Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanically administered steroid for progressive sensorineural hearing loss in Ménière’s disease, Acta Oto-Laryngol. 2019;139:982-986. doi: 10.1080/00016489.2019.1658898.
27. Maihoub S, Tamás T, Molnár A, Szirmai Á. Usefulness of Ultrasound-Computer-Craniocorpography in Unilateral Ménière’s Disease. Biomed Hub 2019;4:500398. doi: 10.1159/000500398.
Articles in Hungarian with an English abstract
1. Maihoub S, Krasznai M, Molnár A. Az antibiotikumok alternatívájaként egyre gyakrabban ajánlott, helyileg alkalmazható antiszeptikumok összehasonlítása. [A comparison of locally acting antiseptics, increasingly recommended as an alternative to antibiotics]. Orv Hetil. 2024;165:1621-1627. Hungarian. doi: 10.1556/650.2024.33125.
2. Molnár A, Krasznai M, Maihoub S. Az oktenidin-dihidroklorid antiszeptikum alkalmazása a fül-orr-gégészetben. [Application of octenidine-dihydrochloride antiseptic in otorhinolaryngology]. Orv Hetil. 2024;165:568-573. doi: 10.1556/650.2024.33019.
3. Molnár A, Krasznai M, Maihoub S. Mit javasolhatunk torokgyulladásban? Az oktenidin-dihidroklorid mint lehetséges választás. Fül-Orr-Gégegyógyászat 2024;70:40-42.
4. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Gáborján A, Bencsik B, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Szédülés a gyermekkorban, három eset bemutatása kapcsán. Fül-Orr-Gégegyógyászat 2023;69: 83–88.
5. Krasznai M, Molnár A, Maihoub S. A nyelv differenciáldiagnosztikai szerepe. Orvostovábbképző Szemle, XXX. évfolyam, 5. szám, 2023. május.
6. Molnár A. Ménière-betegség és életminőség: a diagnózis és a terápia komplex megközelítése (doktori tézisek). Fül-Orr-Gégegyógyászat; 68: 91-92.
7. Molnár V, Molnár A, Lakner Z, Kunos L, Angyal E, Németh F, Tamás L. Az obstruktív alvási apnoe fobb jellemzőinek vizsgálata [Analysis of the most important features of obstructive sleep apnoea]. Orv Hetil. 2022;163:586-592. doi: 10.1556/650.2022.32428.
8. Mavrogeni P, Maihoub S, Molnár A, Csomor B, Tamás L. A teljes körű kivizsgálás eredményei fülzúgásban szenvedőkön. [Results of the detailed examinations in patients suffering from tinnitus]. Orv Hetil. 2022;163:1682-1689. doi: 10.1556/650.2022.32605.
9. Mavrogeni P, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Csomor B, Molnár A. A fülzúgás hatása a betegek életminőségére. [The effects of tinnitus on the patients’ quality of life]. Orv Hetil. 2022;163:833-837. doi: 10.1556/650.2022.32426.
10. Szirmai Á, Bencsik B, Gáborján A, Molnár A, Tamás L. Cochleovestibularis eltérések a SARS-CoV-2-infekció illetve -vakcináció után. [Cochleovestibular disorders after SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination]. Fül-Orr-Gégegyógyászat. 2022;68:10-15.
11. Molnár A, Forster M, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Az időskori szédülés életminőségre kifejtett hatása. [The influence of dizziness on the quality of life in elderly]. Orv Hetil. 2021;162:1891-1896. doi: 10.1556/650.2021.32271.
12. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Csikós A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. A sürgősségi osztályon szédüléses panaszokkal megjelent betegek életminőségének vizsgálata. [Assessment of the patients’ quality of life visiting the emergency department with dizziness]. Orv Hetil. 2021;162:1216-1221. doi: 10.1556/650.2021.32155.
13. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Csikós A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Mi történik a szédülô beteggel a sürgôsségi osztály elhagyása után? [What happens to vertiginous population after emission from the Emergency Department?]. Ideggyogy Sz. 2020;73:241-247. Hungarian. doi: 10.18071/isz.73.0241.
14. Szirmai Á, Maihoub S, Molnár A, Fent Z, Tamás L, Polony G. A musculus tensor tympani és a musculus stapedius ín átvágásának hatása a Ménière-betegségben szenvedők életminőségére. [Effect of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles tenotomy on the quality of life of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease]. Orv Hetil. 2020;161:177-182. Hungarian. doi: 10.1556/650.2020.31634.
15. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Fent Z, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Objektív vizsgálati lehetőség az idiopathiás és a másodlagos benignus paroxysmalis positionalis vertigo elkülönítésében. [Objective diagnostic possibility in the differentiation of idiopathic and secondary benign paroxysmal positional vertigo]. Orv Hetil. 2020;161:208-213. doi: 10.1556/650.2020.31646.
16. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Fent Z, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. A Ménière-betegség tüneteinek jellegzetességei és a multidiszciplináris megközelítés. [Typical characteristics of the symptoms of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease and the multidisciplinary approach]. Orv Hetil. 2019;160:1915-1920. Hungarian. doi: 10.1556/650.2019.31568.
17. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. A diabetes mellitus és a hypertonia lehetséges hatása a Ménière-betegségben szenvedők életminőségére [Possible effect of diabetes and hypertension on the quality of life of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease]. Orv Hetil. 2019;160:144-150. doi: 10.1556/650.2019.31256.
Conference presentations
1. Molnár A. Electronystagmographic results in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Semmelweis Students’ Conference, 2017 in Budapest, Semmelweis University, Hungary.
2. Molnár A. Electronystagmographic results in benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Semmelweis Students’ Conference, 2017 in Marosvásárhely.
3. Szirmai Á, Molnár A. Electronystagmographic results in BPPV. 44th Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Congress. 2017, Mumbai, India.
4. Molnár A. Follow-up on patients’ symptoms and the effectiveness of pharmacological treatment in Ménière’s disease based on their vertigo diaries. Semmelweis Students’ Conference, 2018 in Budapest, Semmelweis University, Hungary.
5. Molnár A, Szirmai Á. The follow-up of the conservative medical treatment of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease. 45th International Congress, Management of Vestibular Disorders. 2018 in Kyiv, Ukraine.
6. Szirmai Á,Molnár A, Stefani Maihoub S, Tamás L. Challenges and symptom-oriented treatment of Ménière’s disease. 14th Danube Symposium of the ORL Danube Society, 2018 in Krems, Austria.
7. Molnár A. The results of electronystagmography and video-head impulse test in vestibular disorders. Semmelweis Students’ Conference, 2019 in Budapest, Semmelweis University, Hungary.
8. Molnár A. The results of electronystagmography and video-head impulse test in vestibular disorders. Semmelweis Students’ Conference, 2019 in Marosvásárhely.
9. Szirmai Á, Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Polony G. Effect of the Stapedius and Tensor Tympani Muscles Tenotomy on the Rate and Intensity of Attacks in Ménière’s Disease (Preliminary Report). 7th Belgrade Balance Forum, on 8– 9 April, in 2019, Belgrade, Serbia.
10. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparison between caloric vestibular and video-head impulse tests in vestibular disorders. PhD Scientific Days, on 25–26 April, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary.
11. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Dizziness and Vertigo Diagnosis in Emergency Department: the final diagnosis (follow-up of the patients). PhD Scientific Days, on 25–26 April, 2019 in Budapest, Hungary.
12. Szirmai Á, Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Polony G. Effect of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles tenotomy on the rate of attacks in Meniere’s disease (preliminary report). 46th Congress of the International Neurootological & Equlibriometric Society, on May 29–June 1, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
13. Maihoub S,Molnár A, Csikós A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Dizziness and vertigo diagnosis in emergency department: the final diagnosis (follow-up of the patients). 46th Congress of the International Neurootological & Equlibriometric Society, on May 29–June 1, 2019 in Tokyo, Japan.
14. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparison between the results of caloric and video-head impulse testing in vestibular disorders. 56th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, Audiological Section, on September 19–21, 2019 in Bükfürdő, Hungary.
15. Szirmai Á, Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Polony G. Effect of the stapedius and tensor tympani muscles tenotomy on the rate of attacks in Meniere’s disease. 56th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, Audiological Section, on September 19–21, 2019 in Bükfürdő, Hungary.
16. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. What happens to vertiginous population after emission from the Emergency Department? 56th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, Audiological Section, on September 19–21, 2019 in Bükfürdő, Hungary.
17.Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparison between caloric vestibular and video-head-impulse tests in vestibular disorders. 2nd Vertigyőr, on 4-5 November, 2019 in Győr, Hungary.
18. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Csikós A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Emergency Department: Dizziness and vertigo (follow-up study). 2nd Vertigyőr, on 4–5 November, 2019 in Győr, Hungary.
19. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai A. Intratympanically administered steroid for sensorineural hearing loss of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease. Research Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat. 2019. Volume 03. 8th Edition of International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology, on 11–12 November, 2019 in Paris, France.
20. Maihoub S,, Csikó A,Molnár A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Vertiginous population in the Emergency Department (follow-up study). Research Journal of Ear, Nose and Throat. 2019. Volume 03. 8th Edition of International Conference on Otorhinolaryngology, on 11–12 November, 2019 in Paris, France.
21. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic gentamicin for Ménière’s disease. Is there a selective vestibulotoxic effect? Otorhinolaryngological and Head and Neck Surgery Days, on February 27–29, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary.
22. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Analysis of the vestibular effects of intratympanic steroid using ultrasound craniocorpography. Otorhinolaryngological and Head and Neck Surgery Days, on February 27–29, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary.
23. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic gentamicin for Ménière’s disease. Is there a selective vestibulotoxic effect? PhD Scientific Days, on 29 August–01 September, 2020 in Budapest, Hungary.
23.Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Depression and anxiety in the vertiginous population. PhD Scientific Days, on 7–8 July, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
24. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Depression and anxiety in the vertiginous population. 46th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, on 16–19 September, 2021 in Sopron, Hungary.
25. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Results of the caloric test and pure-tone audiometriy in Ménière’s disease. 46th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, on 16–19 September, 2021 in Sopron, Hungary.
26. Molnár V, Molnár A, Lakner Z, Tárnoki DL, Tárnoki ÁD, Kunos L, Angyal E, Németh F, Tamás L. The role of ultrasound in the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea. 46th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, on 16–19 September, 2021 in Sopron, Hungary.
27. Kraxner H, Hegyi B, Mehdi K, Molnár A, Maihoub S, Krasznai M, Tamás L. Validation of the Sniffin’ Sticks test in the Hungarian Population. Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, on 16–19 September, 2021 in Sopron, Hungary.
28. Krasznai M, Molnár A, Maihoub S. Post COVID-19 olfaction disorders. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
29. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic steroid therapy for advanced Ménière’s disease: are there effects on the vestibular system? 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
30. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanically administered steroid for sensorineural hearing loss of patients suffering from Ménière’s disease. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
31. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Intratympanic gentamicin for Ménière’s disease: is there a selective vestibulotoxic effect? 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
32. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Depression and anxiety in the vertiginous population. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
33. Mavrogeni P, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Molnár A. Tinnitus characteristics and associated variables on Tinnitus Handicap Inventory among a Hungarian population. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
34. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Ipsilateral vestibulopathy after herpes zoster infection. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
35. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Comparative study between the auditory and vestibular Functions in Ménière’s Disease. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
36. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Csikós A, Kanizsai P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Vertigo examination in a Hungarian Emergency Department. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
37. Molnár V, Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L. Dizziness and Obstructive Sleep Apnea. 48th online NES CONGRESS, on 7–8 October, 2021 in Budapest, Hungary.
38. Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Tamás L, Molnár A. Correspondence between Tinnitus Handicap Inventory and depression and anxiety questionnaire results. 49th Congress of Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Online, on 26–27 May, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
39.Molnár A, Jassoy BD, Maihoub S, Mavrogeni P, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Caloric test results of patients suffering from vestibular neuritis. 49th Congress of Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Online, on 26–27 May, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
40. Molnár V, Tamás L, Maihoub S, Molnár A. Dizziness and psychiatric comorbidities in patients with obstructive sleep apnoea. 49th Congress of Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society Online, on 26–27 May, 2022 in Budapest.
41. Szirmai Á, Bencsik B, Molnár A, Tamás L. Vestibular disorders after SARS-COV-2 infection and vaccination. 49th Congress of Neurootological and Equlibriometric Society Online, on 26–27 May, 2022 in Budapest, Hungary.
42. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. The results of caloric testing in vestibular neuritis. 47th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, September 29–October 2, 2022 in Eger, Hungary.
43. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Isolated vestibular areflexia: a possible consequence after blunt head trauma. 47th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, September 29–October 2, 2022 in Eger, Hungary.
44. Kraxner H, Dóka I, Németh F, Molnár A, Maihoub S, Ludányi K, Nagy D, Tamás L. Our experiences in treating post-COVID19 olfactory disorders. 47th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, September 29–October 2, 2022 in Eger, Hungary.
45. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Gáborján A, Bencsik B, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Neurotological manifestations of multiple sclerosis. 56th Conference of the Confederation of Hungarian Otorhinolaryngologists, Audiological Section, 12–14 October, 2023 in Balatonalmádi, Hungary.
46. Császár J, Molnár A, Fogarasi K, Barta A. Structural and terminological comparative analysis of English and Hungarian Ear-Nose-Throat reports for the purpose of teaching documentation skills. 29th Congress of Hungarian Applied Linguistics. 17–18 March, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
47. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Bencsik B, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Neurotological presentation and brain MRI results in Ménière’s disease. 15th Danube Symposium of the ORL Danube Society, on April 18–20, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
48. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Bencsik B, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Follow-up: an ipsilateral vestibulopathy after herpes zoster infection. 15th Danube Symposium of the ORL Danube Society, on April 18–20, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
49. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Krasznai M. Octenidine-dihydrochloride: an old antiseptic in a new role. 15th Danube Symposium of the ORL Danube Society, on April 18–20, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
50. Molnár A, Maihoub S, Bencsik B, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Neurotological presentation and brain MRI results in Ménière’s disease. 51st Congress of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, on 23–24 May, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.
51. Maihoub S, Molnár A, Bencsik B, Gáborján A, Tamás L, Szirmai Á. Follow-up: an ipsilateral vestibulopathy after herpes zoster infection. 51st Congress of the Neurootological and Equilibriometric Society, on 23–24 May, 2024 in Budapest, Hungary.